From Wisdom Comes Vision

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine reported that stem cells from the pulp (nerve) of a patient’s wisdom tooth can be coaxed to turn into the cells of the cornea because they have the same embryonic origin. This would potentially allow a patient to use their own cells to “grow” a transplant to repair damaged corneal cells. Corneal blindness affects millions of people worldwide. The findings were published online February 23, 2015 in STEM CELLS Translational Medicine.

Pregnant Dental Patients- here is some encouragement!


Health groups spread the word that dental care is safe and necessary during pregnancy.  Click on the link below for more information.

Bemidji Mission of Mercy

Thank you to all who participated, whether as volunteers or patients!  I was moved by the willingness of my neighbors to become involved in my profession to help our neighbors. There were many instances of patients that turned around and volunteered.  That is a testament to living as a village! Thank you for caring for one another!  Incase you missed the numbers: 1,652 patient encounters, 6,879 procedures accomplished, $961,724 worth of dental care provided. Thanks again!  Doug

Mission of Mercy

There are numerous opportunities for participation in the upcoming Bemidji MnMOM (Minnesota Mission of Mercy).  The greatest need at this time is for volunteers to escort patients to and from treatment areas. It is easy (you will receive great instructions) and fun (you will meet new people) and you will be serving others!  Go to now to sign up for June 13,14 and/or 15! See you there!

Minnesota Mission of Mercy

Patients and volunteers get ready for an amazing event at the Sanford Center in Bemidji! Mission of Mercy is coming to our region. The event provides no cost dental treatment to patients. There are many opportunities to be of service to others as lay and professional volunteers from the region, state, and neighboring states. Treatment days- June 14-15, 2013.  Sign up online to volunteer at  See you there!


OK, we were a little hopeful with our last post, seems like winter again!  Here is a dental item for you today: Decay is caused by acid. The source of the acid is bacteria (in dental plaque) ingesting sugars and releasing acid. If we remove the plaque from our teeth daily, there is no bacteria to convert the sugar to acid. If we limit or control our sugar intake we further decrease our risk for dental decay. So, brush after meals or rinse if you cannot brush to reduce food debris (sugars) and floss once a day to keep plaque in check.

Today it feels like Spring! The sun is helping keep the front walk to the office clear and dry, a nice change from using salt. Enjoy the day!